Peace Miss Mouse Machine Applique Embroidery Design, multiple sizes including 4 inch

Peace Miss Mouse
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Product Details

You will receive this design in 4x4, 5x7, AND 6x10.

By purchasing this item, you are purchasing a digital design that is to be used in your embroidery sewing machine. I AM NOT SELLING A PATCH, OR PHYSICAL ITEM THAT WILL BE MAILED TO YOU. I do not sew these designs onto items for sale. ------- - Y

ou will receive this design in a zipped folder containing all sizes and all of the following formats: PES, HUS, VP3, VIP, EXP, JEF, DST, and XXX. However, I offer the following file types through special request: 9MM, BRO, CSD, DAT, DST, DSZ, EXP, EXY, E01, F36, EXY, E01, E36, GT, HUS, JEF, JEF+, KSM, M1,M2,M3, MAX, MIT, NEW, PCS, PCM, PCQ, PEC, PES, PHB, PHC, PLT, PTN, SEW, SHV, SPX, SSP, SST, STX, TAP, T01, T03, T04, T05, T09, UXY, U01, U36, VIP, VP3, XXX, ZXY, Z01,Z36, 10O

I test stitch each design myself before I put it up for sale.

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